Hi, this blog is anonymous for maybe obvious reasons. I'm going to tell a lot of true stories here about people who really exist. People who have lives and careers and I don't intend to embarrass anyone, so lots of aliases will be used and you can just call me Mom.
I have been divorced since 2011, sober since June 18 2022, and working on myself for as long as I can remember. I have 2 teenage kids who both live with their dad as of 2022 leaving me a lot of time to figure out who I am.
I've never really felt good enough for anything, anyone, etc. I always think people like me for what I can do for them rather than who I am. I have major Impostor Syndrome at my corporate job where I am a rock star and everyone wants to work with me. I know what I'm doing and I second guess myself all the time. But I've climbed the corporate ladder the past 16 years and almost quadrupled my salary.
My life looks pretty great on the outside.
And it is.
And I still struggle to love myself.
I just hope some of my stories inspire you to get sexy like the badass bitches you are, and I hope they help me figure out some of my shit along the way.